​​​​The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees consistent with the terms of this Act.

Submitting a Request

Please review our website before submitting a request. Most of the information may be posted already.
To submit a request, please complete the FOIA Request Form and either email it to: CountyClerkFoia@co.kane.il.us

or mail to:
Kane County Clerk
FOIA Request
719 S Batavia Ave, Bldg B
Geneva, IL 60134

Our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers:
Shauna Becker
John Emerson Jr.
Raymond Esquivel

The Kane County Clerk's office does not require that FOIA requests be submitted in any particular form. However, we strongly prefer that your request (1) include the phrase "Freedom of Information Act" or "FOIA"; (2) contain a description of the type of records sought; and (3) contain contact information so that we can follow up to clarify or narrow a request if necessary.


Economic Interest Statements (EIS)
For any requests to review statements of economic interests, please complete the EIS Request Form instead of the FOIA Request Form.

Response Time

All written requests shall be responded to within five (5) working days (5 ILCS/140/3) following the date the request is received. The five (5) day count begins the day after the receipt of the FOIA request by the Department Head, or designee. The requester may be notified of a five (5) day extension (working days) if the files are voluminous, at different locations, or if other reasons make it impossible to assemble and mail the request out within the normal five (5) day period.

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