
Election judges have many responsibilities and perform several tasks on Election Day, including:

  • Opening the polling place in the morning and closing it at night
  • Setting up election equipment
  • Providing assistance to voters
  • Signing in voters
  • Verifying voter qualifications
  • Distributing ballots/activation cards for touch-screen machines
  • Operating voting equipment
  • Filling out forms
  • Processing and transmitting votes at the end of the day
  • Certifying vote totals


To be eligible to serve as an election judge, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • A resident of Kane County
  • A registered voter
  • Able to speak, read and write English
  • Of good understanding and capable of performing duties

Candidates running for office and elected political party committee P​erson​ are prohibited from serving as election judges.


Judges work long hours, arriving at the polling place at 5:00 am and working until the equipment is packed up after the polls close at 7 pm.


After taking a 3 hour Certification training course a Certified Election Judge will then receive​​ $250 for working Election day.


Election judges are required to work the entire day. In addition, we would like you to commit to working all elections in a two year cycle (General Election, Consolidated Primary, Consolidated Election, and General Primary)​

Apply Now!