Field Name |
Date Type |
Description |
Prec_Id | char(10) | Precinct ID of the voter |
DateOfReg | datetime | Date of Registration |
NewRegisteredVoter | char(1) | 1 if voter registered since the last election; 0 if voter registered previous to last election |
LASTNAME | char(28) | Last name of voter |
FIRSTNAME | char(16) | First name of voter |
MIDDLENAME | char(16) | Middle name of voter (if available) |
SUFFIX | char(3) | Suffix of voter's name (if available) |
HOUSENUMBER | char(10) | House number of home address of voter |
Half | char(3) | Fraction of house number of home address of voter (if applicable) |
DIRECTION | char(2) | Street direction of home address of voter (if applicable) |
STREETNAME | char(35) | Street name of home address of voter |
UNITNUMBER | char(6) | Unit number of home address of voter (if applicable) |
HouseCity | char(20) | City of home address of voter |
ZIP | char(5) | Zip code of home address of voter |
MailingAddress | char(67) | Mailing address of voter |
MailingCity | char(20) | Mailing city of voter |
MailingZipCode | char(12) | Mailing zip code of voter |
HOMEPHONE | char(18) | Home phone number of voter |
| char(1) | Gender of voter
| Char(3)
| Age of Voter
VOTER_ID | char(3) | Voter ID number of voter |
Congress | char(3) | Congressional District
- 14 - Congressional District 14
Leg | char(3) | Legislative District
- 22 - Legislative District 22
- 25 - Legislative District 25
- 28 - Legislative District 28
- 42 - Legislative District 42
- 48 - Legislative District 48
Rep | char(3) | Representative District
- 43 - Representative District 43
- 49 - Representative District 49
- 50 - Representative District 50
- 55 - Representative District 55
- 83 - Representative District 83
- 95 - Representative District 95
Jud16Sub | har(3) | 16th Judicial Subcircuit
- 1 - Judicial Subcircuit 1
- 2 - Judicial Subcircuit 2
- 3 - Judicial Subcircuit 3
- 4 - Judicial Subcircuit 4
- 5 - Judicial Subcircuit 5
CBoard | char(3) | County Board District
- 1 - County Board District 1
- 2 - County Board District 2
- 3 - County Board District 3
- 4 - County Board District 4
- 5 - County Board District 5
- 6 - County Board District 6
- 7 - County Board District 7
- 8 - County Board District 8
- 9 - County Board District 9
- 10 - County Board District 10
- 11 - County Board District 11
- 12 - County Board District 12
- 13 - County Board District 13
- 14 - County Board District 14
- 15 - County Board District 15
- 16 - County Board District 16
- 17 - County Board District 17
- 18 - County Board District 18
- 19 - County Board District 19
- 20 - County Board District 20
- 21 - County Board District 21
- 22 - County Board District 22
- 23 - County Board District 23
- 24 - County Board District 24
- 25 - County Board District 25
- 26 - County Board District 26
Township | char(3) | Township
- AU - Aurora Township
- BA - Batavia Township
- BB - Blackberry Township
- BR - Big Rock Township
- BU - Burlington Township
- CA - Campton Township
- DU - Dundee Township
- EL - Elgin Township
- GE - Geneva Township
- HA - Hampshire Township
- KA - Kaneviille Township
- PL - Plato Township
- RU - Rutland Township
- SC - St. Charles Township
- SG - Sugar Grove Township
- VI - Virgil Township
City | char(3) | City
- BA - City of Batavia
- EL - City of Elgin
- GE - City of Geneva
- SC - City of St. Charles
- Null - Voter not in a City voting district
Ward | char(3) | Ward
- Wards are the Ward numbers of the City in the City field
Village | char(3) | Village
- ALQ - Village of Algonquin
- BAH - Village of Barrington Hills
- BRK - Village of Big Rock
- BUR - Village of Burlington
- CH - Village of Campton Hills
- CVL - Village of Carpentersville
- EDU - Village of East Dundee
- ELB - Village of Elburn
- GIL - Village of Gilberts
- HAM - Village of Hampshire
- HUN - Village of Huntley
- KVI - Village of Kaneville
- LLK - Village of Lily Lake
- MAP - Village of Maple Park
- MON - Village of Montgomery
- NAU - Village of North Aurora
- PGR - Village of Pingree Grove
- SEL - Village of South Elgin
- SLH - Village of Sleepy Hollow
- SUG - Village of Sugar Grove
- VIR - Village of Virgil
- WAY - Village of Wayne
- WDU - Village of West Dundee
- Null if voter does not live in a Village voting district
Park | char(3) | Park district
- BAT - Batavia Park District
- BRK - Big Rock Park District
- BUR - Burlington Park District
- DUN - Dundee Township Park District
- FXV - Fox Valley Park District
- GEN - Geneva Park District
- HAM - Hampshire Park District
- HUN - Huntley Park District
- SCH - St. Charles Park District
- SUG - Sugar Grove Park District
Library | char(3) | Library District
- ALQ - Algonquin Library
- BAT - Batavia Library
- DUN - Dundee Township Library
- EJO - Ella Johnson Library
- GBO - Gail Borden Library
- GEN - Geneva Library
- HUN - Huntley Library
- KAN - Kaneville Library
- MES - Messenger Library
- MPK - Maple Park Library
- OSW - Oswego Library
- STC - St. Charles Library
- SUG - Sugar Grove Library
- T&C - Town and Country Library
Fire | char(3) | Fire District
- ALQ - Algonquin Fire District
- AUT - Aurora Township Fire Protection District
- BAT - Batavia Fire District
- BGR - Big Rock Fire District
- BUR - Burlington Fire District
- CVL - Carpentersville & Countryside Fire District
- EDU - East Dundee Fire District
- ELB - Elburn Fire District
- FRC - Fox River & Countryside Fire District
- GEN - Geneva Township Fire & Ambulance District
- HAM - Hampshire Fire District
- HIN - Hinckley Fire District
- HUN - Huntley Fire District
- KAN - Kaneville Fire District
- MAR - Marywood Fire District
- MON - Montgomery Fire District
- MPK - Maple Park & Countryside Fire District
- NAU - North Aurora Fire District
- PGR - Pingree Grove & Countryside Fire District
- RUT - Rutland-Dundee Fire District
- SEL - South Elgin Fire District
- SUG - Sugar Grove Fire District
- SYC - Sycamore Fire District
- WDU - West Dundee Fire District
- Null if not in a fire district
CommunityCollege | char(3) | Community College
- 509 - Elgin Community College District 509
- 512 - Harper Community College District 512
- 516 - Waubonsee Community College District 516
- 523 - Kishwaukee Community College District 523
- 528 - McHenry County College District 528
School | char(3) | School District
- 101 - Batavia School District 101
- 115 - Yorkville School District 115
- 129 - Aurora West School District 129
- 131 - Aurora East School District 131
- 158 - Huntley School District 158
- 220 - Barrington School District 220
- 300 - Dundee School District 300
- 301 - Central School District 301
- 302 - Kaneland School District 302
- 303 - St. Charles School District 303
- 304 - Geneva School District 304
- 427 - Sycamore School District 427
- 429 - Hinckley - Big Rock School District 429
- U46 - Elgin School District U-46
RegSchools | char(3) | Regional Board of Education
- DEK - DeKalb County Regional Board of Education
- GRK - Grundy-Kendall Counties Regional Board of Education
- KAN - Kane County Regional Board of Education
- LAK - Lake County Regional Board of Education
- MCH - McHenry County Regional Board of Education
Sanitary | char(3) | Sanitary District
- WSC - Wasco Sanitary District
- Null if not in Sanitary District
SolidWaste | char(3) | Solid Waste District
- BUR - Burlington Township Solid Waste
- CAM - Campton Township Solid Waste
- PLT - Plato Township Solid Waste
- RUT - Rutland Township Solid Waste
- VIR - Virgil Township Solid Waste
WaterDistrict | char(3) | Water District
- 290 - Sugar Grove Water Authority
- FXR - Fox River Water Reclamation District
- MCK - Mill Creek Water Reclamation District
- OCK - Water Creek Water Reclamation District
CE2009 | char(40) | 2009 Consolidated Election;
- X if voted;
- X ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
CP2009 | char(40) | 2009 Consolidated Primary;
- DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
- NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
- REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
- DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
- NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
- REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
GE2008 | char(40) | 2008 General Election;
- X if voted;
- X ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
SE2008 | char(40) | 2008 Special Election;
- X if voted;
- X ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
SP2008 | char(40) | 2008 Special Primary;
- DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
- NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
- REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
- DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
- NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
- REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
GP2008 | char(40) | 2008 General Primary;
- DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
- NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
- REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
- DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
- NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
- REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
CE2007 | char(40) | 2007 Consolidated Election;
- N if voted;
- N ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
CP2007 | char(40) | 2007 Consolidated Primary;
- NONPARTISAN if voted;
- N ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
GE2006 | char(40) | 2006 General Election;
- N if voted;
- N ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
GP2006 | char(40) | 2006 General Primary;
- DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
- NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
- REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
- DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
- NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
- REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
- Null if not voted
C2005 | char(40) | 2005 Consolidated Election;
- N if voted;
- N ABSENTEE if voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
CP2005 | char(40) | 2005 Consolidated Primary;
- DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
- NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
- REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
- DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee;
- NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee;
- REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee;
- Null if not voted
G2004 | char(40) | 2004 General Election;
- X if voted;
- X ABSENTEE if voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
GP2004 | char(40) | 2004 General Primary;
- DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
- NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
- REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
- DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee;
- NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee;
- REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee;
- Null if not voted
C2003 | char(40) | 2003 Consolidated Election;
- N if voted or absentee voted;
- Null if not voted
CP2003 | char(40) | 2003 Consolidated Primary;
- N if voted or absentee voted;
- DEMOCRATIC if voted or absentee voted Democrat;
- REPUBLICAN if voted or absentee voted Republican;
- Null if not voted
G2002 | char(40) | 2002 General Election;
- N if voted;
- N ABSENTEE if voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
GP2002 | char(40) | 2002 General Primary;
- D, DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democrat;
- N or NONPARTISAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
- L if voted or voted absentee Libertarian;
- Null if not voted
N2001 | char(40) | 2001 Nonpartisan Election;
C2001 | char(40) | 2001 Consolidated Election;
- N if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
CP2001 | char(40) | 2001 Consolidated Primary;
- NONPARTISAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- Null if not voted
G2000 | char(40) | 2000 General Election;
- X if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
GP2000 | char(40) | 2000 General Primary;
- D or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democratic;
- X or NONPARTISAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
- Null if not voted;
N1999 | char(40) | 1999 Nonpartisan Election;
C1999 | char(40) | 1999 Consolidated Election;
- X if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
CP1999 | char(40) | 1999 Consolidated Primary;
G1998 | char(40) | 1998 General Election;
- X if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
GP1998 | char(40) | 1998 General Primary;
- D, DEMOCRAT, or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democratic;
- F if voted or voted absentee Reform;
- N or X if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
- Null if not voted
N1997 | char(40) | 1997 Nonpartisan Election;
- X if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
C1997 | char(40) | 1997 Consolidated Election;
- X if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
CP1997 | char(40) | 1997 Consolidated Primary;
- N, NONPARTISAN or X if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- Null if not voted
G1996 | char(40) | 1996 General Election;
- X if voted or voted absentee;
- Null if not voted
GP1996 | char(40) | 1996 General Primary;
- D, DEMOCRAT, or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democratic;
- L if voted or voted absentee Libertarian;
- N, NONPARTISAN, or X if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
- R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
- Null if not voted
VB_ID | char(6) | District ID of Voting District requested (This field is not included in files that are by precinct only) |
Voter_tag | int | Integer voter ID |